operates in conjunction with Montessorian World

About Montessorian World

Montessorian World International

Montessorian World is founded to propagate total education for the global community. We are committed to continual research & development of wholesome children education and beyond – unto adulthood.

Our Montessorian World Education creates the difference by advancing the relevance of Montessori Teaching Method for children education and the significance of total development of a person.

Together with Montessori Asia Council, we serve as an unification hub for the Montessorian communities and friends worldwide by offering one Global Members’ Network for goodwill exchanges and cooperation. We provide job & business creation opportunities and ongoing self help and fellowship programmes from personal enrichment to professional certification.

Montessorian World is a dedicated knowledge portal and a platform that promotes Montessorian World Education and Fellowship. The ultimate open learning environment for Montessorians and friends.

The formation of Montessorian World and its development is fully sponsored by BPII Organisation and its founder Dr A T Ong, BBM.


A new beginning :: Montessori. 100 years on. Montessorian.



Unique Growth Plan :: Education and Fellowship Worldwide


  A copyrighted publication and registered trademark for the distinction of Montessorian Education.



Montessorian World International (MWI) provides Montessorian World Education and Fellowship for members. MWI and its country specific portals offer both Education and Business Development opportunities. ” Becoming Montessorian : Mind of a Scientist : Love of a Saint : Heart of the Servant ” is both a copyrighted flagship program and registered trade mark of MWI.

Education :

  • Competency based Montessorian Development
  • Montessorian Professional and Business Certification Award

MWI also provides International Montessorian Certification by Transnational Education Assessment of enrolled students or graduates of any local government approved Certificate in Montessori based studies.

Business :

  • Professional Consulting and Advisory
  • Consortium Members Registry Plan

MWI upholds the tradition of Montessori Teaching Method and the continual development of Montessorian World Education for community outreach across the globe. MWI provides business advisory with a unique Consortium Members Registry Plan that accords members the opportunity to partake with us the development process anywhere.

Becoming Montessorian : Mind of a Scientist. Love of a Saint. Heart of a Servant  ™ : Certified Montessorian Professional CMP and CMEd Certified Montessorian Educator™ are authorised education and membership programs of Montessorian World International. Accredited for participation at MWI and Qcircle through subscription of a Consortium Plan. The Plan allocates business privileges and financial returns.


Becoming a Member and Privileges

Montessorian World International (MWI) provides jobs and business development opportunities for its members.

On completion of a choice Certification program, members receive an appropriate Montessorian Award. They are eligible to subscribe to a Consortium Plan for privileges and financial returns. They are trained to provide Montessorian Education and Fellowship program.

Certified Montessorian Professionals and Educators can continue to develop their career and job with their newly acquired skillset and advance themselves to become a Montessorian Corporate.

Level of Participation :

  • Affiliate
  • Associate
  • Corporate
  • Completion of a Certified Montessorian Professional or Educator program >> Subscription to an Affiliate Plan for privileges.
  • Completion of Strategic Global Applications Module >> Subscription of a Corporate Plan for added privileges.

Members subscribe to an appropriate Montessorian Plan for self actualisation of business returns.

  • Affiliates as Qualified Montessoriian
  • Associates as a Certified Montessorian Professional and Educator can provide teaching, training and mentoring for Montessorian World International Education programs.
  • Corporates as a Regional and Community Host advance Montessorian World Education and Fellowship in their country ; organise regular contact meetings and promote its activities in particular to parents and their children ; schools and their teachers for enrichment and purposeful outreach.
  • Montessorian Hosts promote and offer Montessorian World Education and Fellowship programmes, conduct its adult courses and provide service support to members / course participants in their country.



Montessori Asia Council is aligned the parent The Montessori Company  and its online portal @ Qcircle in operation.


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