Certified Montessorian Educator


One time induction fee and Certification Award for participation as Associate @ Qcircle | Montessorian World

SKU: QC-CP-006 Category:

Induction of members as a  Certified Montessorian Educator at Qcircle and Montessorian World International.

For whom :
Fast-track practice based program for senior MWI Qualified Montessorians or those who possess approved Montessori education qualification with relevant work experience as Head / principal of a school or extensive experience as a trainer.

Program :
Understanding the application of Montessorian World Education programs and its biz products and services.
Integration of member’s competencies and businesses for service and delivery at the eConsortium.

Delivery Mode :
Directed learning including internship or participation at alternate seminars (when required).
Mentoring Schedule Plan to be mutually agreed between Mentor and Mentee.

Outcome :
Submission of documented Professional Practice file with an integration project file ready for offer at Qcircle/ MWI.
Creation of Member Page and listing at Business Directory

Award  :
Professional Certification Award

Job Title/Status :
Certified Montessorian Educator / Associate @ Qcircle | Montessorian World.

Inclusive in Program : 1 year complimentary Associate Plan (2) for financial reward.

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