The Montessori Company with Montessori.Asia is the world’s largest Montessori based education development portal. It hosts over 50 country-specific montessori domains for one unified outreach. Under the aegis of Montessori Asia Council (MAC), it extends its reach to 34 provinces / cities in China. MAC operates in conjunction with Montessorian World International.
Montessori. 100 years on. Montessorian World.
Montessorian World was founded to propagate total education for the global community. We are committed to the continual research and development of wholesome children education and the significance on total development of a person. It serves as an unification hub for all montessorian and friends around the globe
The Montessori Company and Montessori.Asia hosts the world’s largest country specific Montessori branded portal. It operates in conjunction with Montessorian World International.
Promotor of Montessorian World Education and Provider of Montessori based studies.